Microsoft Outlook Express Error codes

Outlook Error codes


An unknown error has occurred account xxxxxxxxxxx server aaa.bbbb.ccc, Protocol: POP3 port 110 secure(SSL): No Socket Error: , Error Number 0x80004005

Remedial Action :
Check to see if firewalls are disabled on newly installed proxy servers. Check to see if outgoing works using a dialup instead of your broadband.


Cannot send message as one of the recipients addresses rejected by the server

Remedial Action :

Check to make sure the email address you are sending to is correct, (no spaces etc.)


Outlook Express could not be started. It may not be installed correctly. Make sure that disk is not full or that you are not out of memory. Contact Microsoft support for further assistance. (0x800c012e)

Remedial Action :

Outlook Express *.dbx mail files are set to read only. Click Start, point to Find, then click on Files or Folders, In the Named box, type "*.dbx", in the Look In, C drive, then Find Now / Right click each *.dbx file, click Properties & clear the Read Only check box. Click Apply, then Close. Note the *.dbx files should only have Archive checked


Message: An unknown error has occurred Server: 'smtp.[yourISP]' Protocol: POP3 Port: 0 Secure(SSL): No Error Number: 0x800C013B

Remedial Action :

Try - click Start / Find / Files or Folders type in "outbox.dbx", press Find Now / Edit / Select All / File / Delete and restart your computer (Delete outbox). If this fails reinstall Outlook Express


A TCP/IP error occurred while trying to send data to the server. Subject: XXXX Account: 'XXX.XXX.XXX', Server: 'XXX.XXX.XXX', Protocol: XXX, Port: XXX, Secure(SSL): No, Socket Error: 10060, Error Number: 0x800CCC13

Remedial Action :

Shut down any firewall and anti virus software. Delete your effected messages from your outbox and recreate.


The host ‘XXX.XXX.XXX could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name
correctly. Account 'XXX', Server, 'XXX.XXX.XXX', Protocol: XXX,Port XXX, Secure(SSL): No Socket Error: 11001, Error Number: 0x800CCC0D

Remedial Action :

Please follow the instrutions for setting up and configuring Outlook / Outlook Express located.


The message could not be sent because the server rejected the sender's email address. The sender's email address was 'something@something.something'. Subject 'hnei', Account: 'Geocities', Server: '', Protocol: SMTP, Server Response: '550 rejected: cannot route to sender

Remedial Action :

The server does not recognise the senders email address as being valid. Invalid email address in the mail profile. Tools / Accounts / Properties / General. Check email address is correct -, or refer to configuring Outlook / Outlook Express.


The Server does not support a SSL connection, Account pop.[yourISP], Server: smtp.[yourISP], Protocol SMTP, Server Response: '250 HELP', Port 25, Secure (SSL): Yes, Server Error: 250, Error Number: 0x800CCC7D

Remedial Action :

Click Tools / Accounts / Mail / Properties / Advanced - remove tick from secure SSL connection.

0x800CCC90 / 0x800CCC92

Problem logging onto mail server - Your password was rejected - Err authorization failed

Remedial Action :

Click Tools / Accounts / Mail / Properties / Servers - check account name and password

501 -max recepient count exceeded

Too many recipients in the To or CC or BCC fields

Remedial Action :

All mail servers are set to anti SPAM measures by restricting the number of direct recipients in a single mail.

Please use mailing lists or send mails with lower number of recipients.


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