Emergency Data Center Maintenance tgl 7 September 2009

Informasi Maintenance jaringan khusus Server USA,
Senin, 7 September 2009 :
Mulai : 14:00 WIB
Selesai : 15:00 WIB
Perkiraan waktu : 15-20Menit

Pengaruh seluruh websites seluruh Server di USA tidak dapat diakses pada jam tersebut.

Demikian, harap maklum.


Maintenance ID: 4443
Date: September 07, 2009 (09/07/2009)
Start time (PDT): 01:00:00
End time (PDT): 02:00:00
Services affected: Public/Private Network
Device: FCR01.SEA01, BCR01.SEA01
Reason: IOS Upgrade
Location: SEA01 (Seattle, WA)
Duration: 1 hour

SoftLayer Engineers have identified a potentially service impacting bug in the IOS code currently
running on these routers. Due to continued debug messages and traceback errors appearing on
BCR01.SEA01, Engineers have scheduled a reboot of FCR01.SEA01 and BCR01.SEA01 to upgrade to the
latest IOS code. Due to the severity of this bug, the timeframe between this notice and the
maintenance window has been shortened.

During this maintenance, customers will notice a complete loss of connectivity to their servers on
both the frontend and the backend. It is recommended to fully disconnect iSCSI and NAS drives
during this maintenance
window. While the upgrade duration is scheduled for 1 hour, we only expect
between 15-20 minutes of downtime as the routers reload and fully boot.

A notice will also be posted in the portal prior to the maintenance, during the maintenance
informing you of the progress, and after with completion details.


If you have any problems after this time frame with regard to connectivity, or if you have any questions regarding the
maintenance at any point, please open a ticket in the customer portal.

We appreciate your patience during this work and welcome any feedback.

Thank you,

Network Engineering


Result perbaikan yang telah dilakukan hanya perlu waktu dibawah 5 menit.


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